Service;Service description;Cost, euro;Service period, days
Naming;The development of a potentially protected name is provided from 10 options.;from 2,500;from 12
Slogan/advertising phrase;The development of a slogan or advertising phrase. From 5 options are available.;from 1,500;from 10
Logo (plus Logobook);Logo development and design of the rules for its construction and use in the Logobook. From 5 options are available. The price includes 3 rounds of edits based on the Customer's comments.;from 1,800;from 8
Branding «Fast Start»;Logo development + corporate identity design concept + brand package: personal business card, corporate business card, letterhead, document folder, envelope DL, envelope C5, envelope C4 + T-shirt + pen + mug + Logobook - 2 options to choose from, no edits are provided.;2,500;from 12
Branding «Standard»;Logo development and corporate identity design concept. There are 3 options to choose from. The concept of corporate identity is provided in the form of a Presentation with mockups of the main corporate elements.;4,500;from 20
Finalizing the selected concept;The final revision of the selected corporate identity concept based on the Customer's comments. Includes 3 rounds of edits.;1,500;from 7
Logobook;Description of the rules for the construction and usage of the Logo, its color scheme.;500;3
;Additional packages that you can order after the approval of the corporate identity concept.
Package Office 1;Personal business card, corporate business card, letterhead, corporate folder, envelope DL, envelope C4, envelope C5.;500;4
Package Polygraphy;Development of templates: flyer 1/3 A4 , flyer A4 , A3 poster, A4 leaflet in two additions, booklet cover + page. Presentation — cover + slide. A modular layout grid is being developed for each template. Developing a photo style for images.;1,500;from 8
Package Outdoor advertising;Development of templates: poster, banner, flag, signboard, advertising sign. Development of a modular layout grid for each template. Developing a photo style for images.;1,000;from 5
Package Promo 1;The design of a T-shirt, baseball cap, badge, advertising vest, advertising badges.;600;from 3
Package Souvenirs 1;Design of mugs, pens, pencils, paper and plastic bags, notepad, diary.;600;from 3
Package Souvenirs 2;Design of individual souvenirs, merch, etc.;from 900;from 8
Package Promo 2;The design of the exhibition stand.;from 1,200;from 5
Social network;Design of social networks.;from 900;from 5
Transport ;Design of vehicles. The price is indicated for design of one car and a minibus.;from 500;from 3
Uniform;The design of the employees' uniforms.;from 600;from 3
Package Office 2;Office space design: signs, signs, branded graphics on surfaces, recommendations on the use of interior items and furniture.;from 1,500;from 8
Entrance group;The design of the sign and the entrance group.;from 1,000;from 3
Package Point of Sale ;The design of the point of sale: an island in a shopping center, a shop, a snack bar, etc.;from 3,500;from 10
Brandbook (guideline);Design of a Brandbook (guideline) with a description and rules for the Brand, Logo, design concept of style and all corporate elements.;from 1,800;from 8
Promo site;Creation of a presentation website based on the corporate identity concept developed by us.;from 2,500;from 12
Design concept Packaging;Development of the design concept of the front side of the package (including the development of the Logo) using the example of 2 SKU. Available from 3 options.;5,500;from 20
Finalizing the selected concept;The finalization of the selected packaging design concept (including the logo) according to the Customer's comments includes 3 rounds of edits.;from 1,800;from 5
Adaptation of the concept per SKU unit;Adaptation of the selected concept to another SKU unit in the product line.;from 700;from 3
Adapting the concept to another product line;Adaptation of the selected packaging design concept to another product line, using the example of 1 SKU.;from 1,000;from 4
Developing a "selling" backside;Development of the "selling" back of the package.;from 2,500;from 6
The original layout;Development of the original layout of the package, including all sides and layout of all information for 1 SKU.;from 250;from 2
Preparing for printing;Preparation of the original layout for printing according to the requirements of the printing house.;from 70;from 1